Would October be too late?

If October is Ok and State of the map Scotland 2012 goes ok this year we may be 
able to put in a bid  here.

 From: Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>
To: talk-gb OSM List (E-mail) <talk-gb@openstreetmap.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2012, 21:54
Subject: [Talk-GB] SotM 2013
Hello all,

This is just a little heads-up, nothing more.

Before too long it'll be time for OSMF to start soliciting bids to host the 
State of the Map conference next year.

This year was of course Tokyo, and last year Denver. So it might seem sensible 
that it returns to Europe for 2013 - and we haven't had a UK SotM since the 
first one (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_Of_The_Map_2007). The open 
source GIS conference, FOSS4G, is also coming to the UK next year - to 
Nottingham in September.

Perhaps some of you might like to start thinking about organising a bid? Lots 
of potential in the country where OSM was founded and which, in coverage terms, 
is only rivalled by Germany. Personally I'd love to see it in Oxford but don't 
have the time to help organise it, sadly!


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