On 13/09/12 13:30, Gregory wrote:
Ah I was going to suggest this two but I was going to make the topic thread "SotM13 to be hosted in the UK" to get your attention. :)

I was wondering about Durham beacuse:
a) I live there and it's a lovely place
b) North England (silent/slow) community could be helped by it
c) We have good rail connections, air connections via Newcastle, and many conference venues

I think Durham is a nice idea because it's in a very pretty part of the country, which would help attract people. Not so sure about Guildford.

I think I'm very good at overall administration and would be willing to put lots of work in but wanted to know who else would be up for helping?

Other city suggestions (I would still help loads!)?

If it's close time wise to FOSS4G then this would help so internationals can make one trip here.

Agree on that too, a UK bid needs to be close in time to FOSS4G. Preferably just before it - many UK universities start their autumn term in the last week of September and so wouldn't be available to host a residential conference.

I am willing to help too. I have helped organise both a professional (IT) conference and a community convention before.

Liaising with the venue alone can consume an entire volunteer's time. IMO it's essential to pick a venue where at least one of the team is close enough to visit it as often as required.

Just to throw another venue idea into the mix, how about Warwick University? Advantages: it keeps winning awards as one of the best conference venues in the UK, and can offer a very full-service event where the venue will provide all the materials needed for the organisers as well as things like extra people to help do the running around (putting up signs etc). I work within walking distance and could act as venue liaison. Coventry isn't far from Nottingham which will host FOSS4G. Takes just over an hour on the train from London and is in the centre of the motorway network too.


Dr Jonathan Harley   :    Managing Director    :   SpiffyMap Ltd

m...@spiffymap.com      Phone: 0845 313 8457     www.spiffymap.com
The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Road, Coventry CV4 7EZ, UK

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