
Probably, I'm a little busy at the moment so not really going to get round
to doing it in the short term.  Can probably rustle up a list mapping the
ways and nodes to the incorrect postcode fairly quickly which would
probably help?


On 1 March 2013 17:35, Rob Nickerson <> wrote:

> That's an interesting list for anyone who is concerned with data
> cleansing! Some of the results are because only the first part of a
> postcode has been entered, however even these have numerous formats (e.g.
> CV3, CV3 ???, CV3 ///). For the other errors, it tends to be typos (e.g.
> CO!6 7BJ, where ! is a probably a typo of 1 - Shift+1=!), but there are
> also road names, numbers, and web URLs in the postcode tag.
> Would it be possible to create a list of these where we could add the
> correct postcode in a new column and then upload the new data into OSM?
> Rob
> On 1 March 2013 17:24, Aidan McGinley <>wrote:
>> * How accurate is the data already in OSM?
>> Interesting question Rob, as of today there's approximately 200,000 ways
>> or nodes tagged with postcodes in OSM, this is made up of about 29,000
>> unique postcodes.  Those numbers are not 100% accurate as my bounding box
>> for getting the data overlaps a bit with France and Ireland. I've removed
>> the obvious French postcodes (5 digits) there might be a few I missed
>> although I'm pretty sure the extras don't skew the numbers too much.
>> I've compared the unique values from that list with the ONS dataset
>> (excluding terminated postcodes) and come up with the list linked below [1]
>> There's 1119 unique invalid postcodes, which of of course doesn't account
>> for ways or nodes that are incorrectly tagged with a valid postcode but is
>> a useful stat nonetheless.  It should also be relatively easy to get those
>> cleaned up I would think.
>> Couple of notes about the data, there are a few postcodes that look like
>> they are valid (e.g. BR3 1AZ, WC2H 9BD) but they have in fact got some
>> invalid characters at the end that are not visible so that's why they are
>> listed.  It also includes postcodes in lowercase as well since it breaks
>> from the convention of uppercase postcodes, you could argue that they
>> should be in or out, but it was easier to leave them in.
>> [1]
>>  On 28 February 2013 23:44, Rob Nickerson <>wrote:
>>>  Interestingly out of the 95 you also identified 2 postcodes that are
>>> incorrect in OSM... raising the obvious questions:
>>> * How accurate is the data already in OSM?
>>> * Should imports be compared to 100% accuracy or a more realistic
>>> measure of OSM accuracy?
>>> Rob
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