
Yes, the centroid falls within the postcode area for the highest quality
indicator by definition.  To be marked in the highest quality data set, the
centroid must fall inside a building within the postcode area (see the user
guide that accompanies the data for more details).  These high quality
postcodes are the only one's I'm using, I'm throwing the rest away.

I'm pretty sure it would be possible for the centroid to fall outside the
postcode area for some of the lower quality indicators though, so that
might be what you are thinking of.

To your other point, I'll only be running this if I can be sure the data is
accurate, if I have any indication that this will result in anything less
than perfect accuracy I will not do it.  This will involve a lot of manual
checks by me, and hopefully other users when I get the final version
running.  For anyone willing to do some manual checking, I'm happy to
generate data for their local area, and the script will also be available
for people to run themselves once I have the current kinks ironed out.


On 27 February 2013 14:53, Kevin Peat <> wrote:

> Aidan,
> On 27 February 2013 11:12, Aidan McGinley
> > ... I've only included the highest quality data
> > which is postcode centroids that fall within a building within the area
> of
> > the postcode...
> >
> > Does that allay any concerns about the import?
> Does the centroid always fall within the postcode area? I didn't
> realise that was the case if true, or is there an indicator in the
> dataset for that?
> I still think that these kinds of things are best structured so
> mappers can run them themselves against their own areas if they want
> to. In that way there is always someone to check the results and to
> clean-up any problems that do occur.
> Kevin
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