On 24/03/2013 12:46, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

To reply to your points:

1. Firstly I don't think I have ever responded in a "rant" style fashion on the OSM mailing lists before, but could you please qualify your insulting first comment? Are you simply a troll, are are you simply so pathetic and small-minded not to realise that a) Freemap is a hobbyist project and is thus inevitably subject to limitations in server power and b) any time I spend on it is my own spare time, I am unable to work on it 24/7? If you think it could be improved I suggest you check out the source code at https://github.com/nickw1/Freemap and contribute, rather than pathetically insulting and denigrating a lot of hard work? I do You are the first person I have ever launched a "rant" at in eight years of contributing to OSM - well done ;-) Come back when you have some positive suggestions as to how I can improve Freemap without needing to invest more money in it, or when you have some source code to contribute, otherwise....

2. I always thought lakes were simply represented as natural=water. Anything special about these two which suggests they shouldn't? True, they have islands in them but so does Derwentwater.



I didn't realise you were the creator of FM, but that wouldn't change my opinion of your work. Was it you who informed me that, for some reason it intentionally doesn't display Bristol & surrounds? How is a map that leaves out chunks of data meant to be taken seriously? How long has FM been going? 3/4 years? in my experience of (trying) to use it I would say it's actually got more unusable over that time. I've always thought the "why don't you help then" counter argument as weak. You put it out there, you have to take the criticisms.

It has however, revised my opinion of you:
It's disappointing you don't understand the internet meaning of a troll. In point two I was clearly giving you help, which, from your reply, you appear not to have taken.

I replied to you thinking you were a user of FM & wanted to point out that it was not a stable platform to test the integrity of OSM. However as the creator of FM you must be aware of it's limitations, so to use it as a basis to see if something is missing in OSM is foolish, & to then assume it's the OSM data that's incorrect, is IMO, arrogant.

"I haven't done a lot of work with multipolygons so I'll let someone with more experience sort it out."
Brilliant. As that's the case, doesn't it stand to reason you should:
a) Learn about the subject?
B) Check your own software first?

Dave F,
Talk-GB mailing list

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