On 28 August 2013 23:15, Dudley Ibbett <dudleyibb...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> This would perhaps suggest they should be marked as ways with barrier=hedge
> and hedge=line_of_trees or perhaps just the latter.
> An alternative might be to use natural=tree_row which is defined in the wiki
> but the examples seem more to related to trees that have been planted at
> regular intervals and where there isn't generally an overlap in the canopy.
> I have used this a few times but I'm not convinced it is the right way to
> tag this feature given that it seems they are a type of hedgerow.

This sort of micro-woodland feature is a case where it would be nice
if Mapnik supported the proposed landcover key.  I found a whole
forest growing in the central reservation of a short section of dual
carriageway, but had to leave it that way as it no longer rendered
when converted to landcover (in most areas, people wouldn't have
bothered to try to make it render, but  since someone had done so,
they would reasonably object if it stopped rendering.

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