Given the efforts of AndyS, NickW, myself and many others - most of Hampshire 
is very well mapped.

An interesting question is how much? (Compared to the Hants CC).

There is
but that was last updated over 2 years ago :(

I suspect in terms of raw highways it's mapped>98%.
In terms of designation these are quite well tagged, I can only hazard a guess 
maybe as much as 66%.

Some of the 'Green Lanes' (ex Roads Used as Public Path?) are a bit mysterious 
- (seemed to be called 'Public Ways' in West Sussex speak).
These don't seem appear in OS Locator or OS Streetview, nor are they covered by 
the ROW datasets. It's not clear to me where the designation of care lies with 
these or the legality of using them (especially in terms of Cycling).

I suspect several of the remaining ROWs for Hampshire not in OSM are either 
limited use ones (ways that don't go anywhere useful so no-ones mapped it) or 
not very visible for some reason.

> With all this importing going on it's worthwhile remembering the  
> basics. If a footpath has been surveyed it'll have at least one gpx  

IHMO 'at least' -> 'might have a'. As I very rarely upload my GPX tracks.

Normally I visually compare Hants KML (and indeed West Sussex) vs OSM tile 
images to identify missing ROWs and then make that a basis to include in a 
route for a days out walking or cycling.

Be Seeing You - Rob.
If at first you don't succeed,
then skydiving isn't for you.                                     
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