
This idea was suggested by another attendee at SOTM this year but I think it 
would definitely be a good idea from my own experiences.

To my mind, the biggest barrier to hobbyist, not-for-profit developers wishing 
to set up OSM-related web projects (apart from time, of course) is, and always 
has been since the early days of OSM, the cost of running a server to handle 
large amounts of data. With increased volumes of data it is even more the case 
now. It is certainly the biggest limitation on my own site Freemap and its 
associated projects, such as the augmented reality project Hikar.For around £25 
a month I get quite a decent server but even still, I am constrained to only 
offering data for selected areas of the UK (much of England away from the urban 
areas, and all of Wales).

I would imagine there are lots of other people in a similar situation, who 
would like to offer not for profit projects but are constrained by the costs of 

So I'm wondering whether we could, if enough people raise contributions, have 
an OSM "read only, hobbyist" server which could be used to host not-for-profit, 
open source (only) projects. it could be either global or just for the UK (or 
any other individual country). It could contain a copy of the OSM PostGIS 
database then developers could be free to host server side code which delivers 
that data in whatever format fits their own needs (GeoJSON, some binary vector 
format, or anything else).

Obviously such a thing would cost but I'm wondering whether the funds could be 
raised? At the moment, assuming my work circumstances change, I could probably 
contribute £50 towards buying it in the first place (possibly £100 if it was a 
definite "goer") plus £10/month running costs. Seeing as I don't get any income 
it's unlikely I could go above these values. What do people think?

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