>>> For around £25 a month I get quite a decent server but even still, I
>>> am constrained to only offering data for selected areas of the UK
>>> (much of England away from the urban areas, and all of Wales).

>>What sort of spec machine are we taking about for a GB extract?

>The main problem is less the osm2pgsql extraction (which can be run in slim 
>mode to conserve memory) and more the speed of accessing the postgis database 
>to grab the >data.

>My current machine (Bytemark VM) has 1GB memory, 20GB disc space, 1 core.

>See: http://www.bytemark.co.uk/hosting/virtual_machines

>With caching the generated GeoJSON data and a cron job to re-render tiles, 
>this can (only just!) cope with an extract covering part of England and all of 
>Wales, see

>Not sure, without looking up, what percentage of the data is used by Freemap, 
>but given London, Birmingham etc are missed out, as well as the whole of 
>Scotland and most >of the Midlands and East Anglia, I'm guessing abput 25% or 
>so. I can check later though.

Hello Andy,

To follow up on this: the total size of all the PBF files I use to populate the 
Freemap database is 294MB, compared to 524MB for the complete OSM extracts for 
the whole of England and Wales. So a machine with perhaps 2-3x the RAM and disc 
space (for caching) of the above might do it for the UK.


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