On 17/01/2014 15:54, SK53 wrote:

Tagging for the renderer is very important, and pushing things in so
they get rendered has a serious deleterious affect on the data. I use
OSM data as data: when someone degrades the meaning by overloading a
tag, this can mean that all of the data become useless. landuse=grass
for farmland is a classic example: it is now impossible to get useful
landuse figures or maps out of OSM.

Agreed, of course. Note that I did not believe I was proposing to "overload" the post_office tag: I believed (based on the Wiki) that I was proposing to use it accurately, but to add subsidiary tag which allowed the various kinds of post_office to be distinguished.

However, there does seem to be a consensus (at least amongst those who feel strongly) that this is the wrong approach, and that having separate amenity=* tag values is a better way to go. So to make this concrete, here's a second draft proposal...


'Regular' post office branches (as currently run by Post Office Ltd) are the only things which should be tagged 'amentity=post_office'. The 'operator=*' tag is not required for these (and perhaps better omitted, since the name of the company keeps changing!)

Royal mail delivery offices are the only things which which, at present, should be tagged 'amenity=post_depot'. The tag 'operator=Royal Mail' should also be specified.

The depots of parcel services (including Parcelforce as well as DHL, CityLink etc.) should be tagged 'amenity=parcel_depot'. The additional 'operator=*' tag is essential.

That leaves us, in principle, with the question about what to do if a private company starts offering letter post services. Perhaps 'amenity=post_depot' would be reasonable in that eventuality, too.


If these proposals (or some refinement thereof) seem to meet with approval, I'm happy to draft an update to


to document it (is this something I can just do, or do I need to be an 'approved person' to edit the Wiki?)

In addition, it would be really nice if someone could start the process of getting the default renderer updated to display the two new tags

 amenity=post_depot, and

does anyone know how to go about getting this done?

I guess there's a meta-question too: is my help appreciated trying to get this agreed and documented, or would this be better left to others?


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