On 26/10/2014 10:36, Andy Street wrote:
On Sun, 26 Oct 2014 07:28:42 +0000
SK53 <sk53....@gmail.com> wrote:

The tag addr:place has been used to locate one element inside another
addressed element. See this example for shops within a Tesco Extra
store http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/5CN.
Surely that could be inferred from the fact that the object is
spatially within the parent?

Sure it can, but I think there is something to be said for tagging things explicitly. I would only tag it in this way when it is part of the official address.

This usage is useful but probably a little difficult to consume,
particularly as there seem to be rather more usages of addr:place as a
synonym of addr:city.
The way I've always undersood addr:place was not as a synonym
for addr:city but rather to specify the bit of the address between
the road (addr:street) and the post town (addr:city).

My understanding has always been that addr:place is similar to addr:street, except when the unit in question isn't a street but some other grouping of addresses such as a business park, retail park or shopping centre, which serves a similar function to a street in the address.

For example:
Unit 5
XYZ Retail Park

As far as I'm aware this has been what the wiki has said since the tag was first proposed and I remember mailing list discussions broadly agreeing. The wiki page - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:addr:place - does explicitly state it shouldn't be used instead of addr:suburb.

It's unfortunate when a tag is used by different people to mean substantially different things, because it makes the data less useful. I think there should be a wiki page dedicated to UK addresses, which would suggest best practices for tagging more complicated addresses. The only reason I haven't already created one is the lack of discussion and consensus over issues like parent/subsidiary streets, usage of addr:interpolation on buildings, and so on.

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