Thank you Jerry for organising it, really enjoyed myself.

Wet doesn't often deter me from going for a walk. 

Phil (trigpoint )

On Sat Jan 3 20:00:25 2015 GMT, SK53 wrote:
> Just to say thank you to everyone who came for a very damp day in the
> countryside.
> I hope that we can follow up several of the many useful discussions we had
> whilst walking and in the pub.
> If people have ideas for a follow-up mapping event, do let me know. It
> seems Saturdays are reasonably convenient. I will try and schedule
> something for April (probably avoiding Easter & the SotM-Fr weekend). One
> idea we did briefly discuss is the National Memorial Arboretum: no shortage
> of things to map, plenty of interest and another reasonable halfway house.
> Jerry

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