Local authorities name streets. If the name board on a street is wrong people 
tend to complain and get it replaced. If the street name on an open version of 
OS data is wrong no one complains. I would always trust the name board rather 
than OS open data. Strangely enough the names on the streets match the names on 
the paid-for versions of OS data (that we can't use in OSM) so I wonder how and 
why the OS open data has the names wrong in the first place.

Cheers, Chris

On 17 February 2015 10:03:42 GMT, Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>It's only "correct" because that's the frame of reference you have
>chosen in this case. The local authority decides what a street is
>officially called. How that is transposed to signs sometimes introduces
>errors, and these errors are sometimes volatile. The OS is not the
>source of the official name either is it? 
>On 2015-02-17 10:45, Philip Barnes wrote: 
>> On Mon Feb 16 23:35:41 2015 GMT, Pmailkeey . wrote:
>> On 16 February 2015 at 15:51, Philip Barnes <p...@trigpoint.me.uk>
>wrote: In these cases you should check the name on the signs and if osm
>is wrong correct it. I my experience osm is often right and os opendata
>is incorrect, in these cases add the opendata name to a not:name tag.
>Where osm in incorrect it is often caused by an awkward spelling, so a
>photo can be useful. Sommerfeld Road in Telford took me a few attempts
>to get right, originally mapped as Summerfield. Phil (trigpoint) What's
>the general consensus where *current *OS data and the sign is wrong ?
>Should OSM show the wrong name but flag it as being wrong or show the
>correct name and add the wrong name as a not:name ?
>OSM should show the correct name, which is the one on the sign.
>Not:name is there to suppress the error and to indicate a mapper has
>surveyed it and shown the OS are incorrect.
>From my experience OSM is usually correct, the biggest cause of error
>OS getting apostrophes wrong, and if OSM is wrong it is usually a weird
>spelling where the mapper has remembered the name but has forgotten how
>it was spelt. 
>Phil (trigpoint )
>Talk-GB mailing list

cheers, Chris
osm user, chillly
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