On 03/04/2015 15:55, Colin Smale wrote:
So now instead of having two versions of the name (1. according to the
council and 2. according to the sign) we are to have a third version,
according to OSM?

That's not what I meant, unless I've misunderstood you.

There's the definitive name "according to the council", which I believe we can't use because it's copyright information (perhaps even inaccessible to the general public, I'm not sure). If it were to become available in the future I'd be quite happy for that to go in an official_name=* tag.

There's what appears on road signs, which is what I think OSM should be putting in name=*. Granted this principle can cause problems in cases like the one I described earlier where those signs are inconsistent with each other, but those are fairly rare and in the end, at least in the cases I've seen, rather unimportant.

There's also what appears on the Ordnance Survey OpenData maps, which might or might not match either of the first two. As I understand it we could legally copy this information into a third os_name (or ordnancesurvey_name) tag, but I don't see what that buys us.

I am also thinking of our "conventions" with regard to
punctuation and abbreviations (not to mention capitalisation), which
lead to mappers not copying the sign verbatim into OSM but entering some
kind of normalised version. If the sign is "gospel" we need to stop that
as well.

Pedantically I agree with you, but it's not what's done, and I don't think it's worth changing.

According to the National Street Gazetteer, the official source of
street names is the local authority in their Local Street Gazetteer
which they have to feed into the NSG. Is this the "other database" to
which you refer?

Probably, I couldn't remember the details.


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