On 23/05/15 12:02, David Earl wrote:
There is a problem having 'operator=Magdalene College' and similar
rather than operator='Magdalene College (University of Cambridge)'

Although I think, where operator is used at all, it is largely used with a loose choice of name, in this case, if you want an unambiguous name for use in the UK, simply use the formal name of the royal charter company, i.e. "Magdalene College Cambridge" and "Magdalene College Oxford" (company numbers RC000333 and RC000334 respectively), rather than a name based on their trading name.

Legally these are the legal names of the entities that own and operate the land in question.

Companies house actually use monocase, so the capitalisation is arbitrary.

If you want globally unique names, I think you need an additional tag to indicate the namespace (England or Wales registered company, in this case).

Note that the name attribute is generally the trading as name, which is also consistent with the "what is on the ground" principle. If you actually used the company name for most MacDonalds people would find it very confusing, as a lot of them are franchises run by companies with MacDonalds nowhere in their name. For operator, I would expect to see the legal entity.

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