The French style:  (mainly icons as far as I
The German style: (different rendering
technology, different road styles, though they want to convert the renderer
(style specification) to the same as

As far as I understood some people from France and Germany are working on a
vector tile server. Can't find the link to mail in the French mailing list


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Lester Caine <> wrote:

> With the discussion on a more self contained 'UK' group I'd like to
> highlight one area that is becoming perhaps more urgent for some of us,
> the idea of a UK style tile set.
> With the current push to make the default mapping more 'google like',
> retaining the UK colour coding for roads is something I feel many of us
> wish to retain, but there is no need to force that on the rest of the
> world. While I've not actually looked, and it's not easy to find them, I
> have seen links to other 'local' styles and this is exactly what OSM is
> about.
> Some aspects of the proposed changes do make sense, but I feel that
> comparisons with google are a little unfair since google still does not
> nearly as much low level detail anyway. A single style is never going to
> be ideal, and so I'm actually thinking that two or three base tile sets
> actually makes a lot more sense. Keeping the UK road colours is the
> obvious starting point,
> The other area that I am looking to roll back is some of the agresive
> changes to town centres. I'm still getting complaints about where names
> now appear on shops, or rather on adjacent shops and tidying this up
> probably applies world wide, but the much more abstract layout of
> buildings in many UK towns does not lend itself to a style that assumes
> a more geometric layout.
> Finally landmarks such as some of the viaducts and other now 'retasked'
> structures which are perhaps more prevalent in the UK are an area where
> a more local treatment may be more appropriate?
> That the world map is going to evolve on a more generic basis is a given
> so I feel now is the time to be looking at a more local alternative. At
> one time I did have my own tile server and OSRM routing service running
> but it needs more resources than I can put up on my own to be more
> generally available. I have space on a site with a large pipe, but I
> would prefer to see perhaps a more distributed model where several sites
> mirror the same tile set and hopefully historic overlays ... another
> area that needs a little more locally based support.
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
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