On 31/10/2015 02:09, Lester Caine wrote:
OK ... what do we need to do to get a working UK map again?

Simply put, if you're relying on a remote resource staying the same over time (perhaps you're selling services based on that resource and don't want the customer re-education cost of a future change) then you need to have control over that resource. That's true if you're paying for it (you'd make sure that your contract with the provider and SLA covers you) and even more so if you're not. The colour change was widely trailled months before it happened, and there was a list thread about the best way to retain the existing UK style back in August***.

The good news is that setting up a server of your own is pretty straightforward these days*. If you follow the recipe at https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/manually-building-a-tile-server-14-04/ you will get a working tile server**. If you stray from the path outlined there and, say, try a different server OS with different packages then success won't be guaranteed, but if you just want a working map server it's difficult to know why you'd want to start elsewhere.

OSMBright (which those switch2osm notes guide you through), OSM Carto as it is now and OSM Carto as of any preferred data in the last 18 months (and probably more) will work on such as tile server (I currently have them installed on a small VM at home). I'm sure that the French style would work there too.


Andy (SomeoneElse)

*Quite a few people pitch up on IRC et al saying "I've installed a tile server, now what?" so I think the tile server part of the OSM ecosystem is definitely one of the better documented bits.

** I ran through it "soup to nuts" on a newly-installed small 14.04 VM the other day. The only caveats I found were that it doesn't make it explicitly clear that you need to do a couple of things as root, the .pbf file that you choose to use will probably be different to a full planet, and the osm2pgsql command will vary based on local resources such as memory. However, all of the error messages you'll get back (even from osm2pgsql) will make it clear what you need to do.

*** https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb/2015-August/017659.html

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