A third update on the quarterly project.

0. The what project?

1. Open Data Manchester
Following a tweet Open Data Manchester have asked whether anyone can go and
show them how to map. Looks like their next meeting is Monday February 1st,
6.30 – 8.30pm. Any volunteers?

2. Edits continue at pace.
For those adding #OSMSchools to their changeset comments (sorry no way to
go back and add it if you forget) we reached a high of 258 changesets on
18th Jan. The map is starting to look well covered (although some gaps
missingso please continue to use this in your changesets). See

3. 175 people have done 5351 edits
Amazing numbers measured by Harry's tracker. Looks like Uganda has joined
the project too. It would be great if someone could turn the CSV linked
data at the bottom of the tracker into a daily chart. See

4. HS and ZE are 100% complete!
Wow! The HS (Outer Hebrides) and ZE (Lerwick) postcodes are complete.
Thanks go to OpenStreetMapper seumas. Many other postcodes (with more
schools within them ;-) ) are close to this now too

5. Nodes converted to ways
Following lot's of data clean up we are nearing 80% of schools mapped as
land areas rather than simple points. We should hit this in the next couple
of days.

6. Northern Ireland still needs some work
If you map in Northern Ireland and want to get involved please do. Each
extra school mapped there will help lift it off the bottom of the tracker.
We can also look at doing some initiatives in NI if the local community
want this. Let us know :-)

7. Blogs and video
Please keep up the blogging and tweeting. It would be great if we could
attract some new mappers (a how to map schools video would be great if you
have time to do this). If you don't run a blog then I can let you post to

Happy mapping
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