Hi all,

One of the outstanding actions for the UK group is should we set up as a
regular Limited Company or a Limited Company with Community Interest
Company (CIC) special features. The special features (e.g. Asset Lock)
sends a clear message of our intention to support the community rather than
personal gain.

The two main questions are:

Question 1: How much annual overhead?
It would require an extra annual form (CIC34) but as Brian noted during the
last meeting this is straightforward. Worked example:

Question 2: What if we end up dissolving the group?
In this case we need to find another CIC or a Charity to transfer any
remaining assets to. We cannot transfer to a plain Limited Company such as
the OSMF.

In my view the annual overhead is minimal yet being a CIC brings clear
benefits from a transparency point of view. I would recommend that an OSMF
member raise the question of becoming a CIC to the OSMF Board as the
transparency would benefit them too (and should we ever dissolve the UK
group it would make things much simpler). If the OSMF were to "upgrade" to
CIC status it would cost them just GBP 25. They should consider what impact
the asset lock will have on their regular activities (e.g. cannot transfer
assets at less than full market value).

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