On 22/04/16 12:14, Brian Prangle wrote:

    *Full powers*. Standard boilerplate text. Easy to do. Downside is
    that removing powers may require alterations to AoA, and furthermore
    restricting Directors' powers is quite likely to end up being
    contentious. Any such process will appear to be a group of members
    not trusting the Directors.

Anything other than this suggests to me that there is something fundamentally wrong in the way that directors are chosen. All the others seem to imply that there is a group of members that doesn't trust the directors ab initio!

It would basically be asking for the directors to be figure heads, in which case you should have only enough directors to cover for deaths and loss of mental capacity.

In particular, note that director and manager are two different roles. If you want people to make the top level decisions, make them directors. If you just want them to implement a policy, make them managers. (Executive directors wear both hats, although, for quoted companies, I believe that the City prefers there to be some non-executive ones.)


    *No powers*. Powers need to be conferred explicitly by the Members.
    This is the current draft. Downside is that it is likely to limit
    Directors far too much. Such limitation is likely to be particularly
    troublesome at the outset.

In my view, the only way of correctly representing this is make all the members directors. I'm not sure whether there are legal limits on the number of directors, and some members may be either legally barred from being a director or unacceptable to people like insurers.

It would put the directors in an impossible position they could face criminal charges, and/or being banned from being a director, because of responsibilities that they held, but not have the powers to mitigate the offences.


    *No powers except those needed for Directors to fulfill legal &
    fiduciary duties*. Basically an additional clause added to current
    draft. This is an attempt to allow Directors to do necessary things
    but not unnecessary ones. Likely to readily twisted for any purpose.

This potentially covers rather a lot of powers. The core functions are those normally delegated to a company secretary, although the directors maintain responsibility.

Also, remember that ultimately, if the directors run amok, the members will need to take out injunctions in the civil courts. Unless you believe they would be prepared to do so, the AoA is essentially unenforceable. (Although what is in the AoA also has an impact on the tax status of the company.)

Also, in an organisation like this, less than 10% of members will take any role in governance, except for rubber stamping resolutions proposed by the board.

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