On 19/03/2017 21:09, Graham Jones wrote:
I want to produce some large (A3 sized at least) printable maps for outdoors use.

I create a map style designed among other things for England-and-Wales not-very-mountainous outdoor use. You're welcome to use or copy and modify that.

It is actually to show the route of a cross country race, so I want to show fences, gates stiles, embankments, steps, as well as land cover

... yes to all of those I think.

and contour lines / hill shading
... but no to those, although I'm sure there's documentation out there of how to add that.

(but not distractions like admin boundaries)
... and no admin boundaries.

Is there a published carto style available that will show these sort of things available that I could use as a basis for this, rather than start from scratch? (maybe free-map.org.uk <http://free-map.org.uk>, but I'm not sure if that shows field boundaries etc?)

Here's what it looks like

There are two bits to the style - a lua tag transform:

and the map style itself:

(you probably won't need to bother with all of that - things like "Updating your database as people edit OpenStreetMap" won't be needed I guess)

Last time I did this sort of thing I used a simple python script called generate_image.py - is that still the best thing to use or has something else taken its place?

That should still work - from memory one thing you'll have to watch out for is that if there are references to fonts in the carto style that you don't have installed it'll complain, and you'll need to edit some style references out of the carto style.

Best Regards,


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