Thank you all for your suggestions.
It is all coming back to me slowly now....

I decided to have a go at a large scale monochrome outdoor map.  Two
reasons for this:

   1. I want to use it as a background to show the route of a race, so I
   can show the route as a coloured overlay and it will show up nicely.
   2. I am colourblind and struggle if he difference between features is
   colour, so I want the difference to be line weight or pattern instead - I
   can imagine using this for a printed outdoor map for me to use.

Have based it on Greg's work (because it is easier to start out simple so I
understand what I am doing, and he has got the OS projection working
nicely), adding in features as I realise I need them, plagiarising Andy's
code when necessary (I will update the credits in the README)

It is stored here if anyone is interested:   (mine are the style files
with the '-mono' suffix - it is now so different to Greg's that I should
maybe change its name, unless Greg would like a mono map too?)

you can see what it looks like here:
(this gives a scale of about 1:12500 when printed on A4.

The style currently does the area I was interested in ok (although I am
minded to make walls and hedges use a pattern rather than a simple line),
but I am sure there are important features missing when I look at a
different area, so it is a long way of finished.

Thanks again for your help.

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