On 03/11/17 10:59, Ilya Zverev wrote:
I have received the list from the Shell UK. Are you suggesting I should buy a 
ticket and verify each of these on the ground? Are there any better sources for 
Shell fuel stations, or are you implying the UK is a special restricted 
no-imports-whatsoever territory?

Whilst I do sometimes think there is too much paranoia about bulk imports in parts of the UK community, company head offices are notorious, in my view, for failing to map their branches at the correct location, often using postcodes. As such, I'd expect a very diligent attempt to find existing mappings, and that existing addresses which appear to have been surveyed on the ground should not be changed, but rather either the mapper notified through a changeset comment, or a map note added, to point out the discrepancy.

They will get locations wrong, even when using Google Maps on their own web site store finder pages.

Generally there is a strong presumption that something already on the map is correct, especially if surveyed on the ground.

Having said that, I'm not aware of any errors on the ones I personally know, one of which is new to the map.

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