Interesting, but if your interpretation of the law regarding red/green
distinctions is correct, why do the majority of road road atlases on sale
and most maps (both open and proprietary) supplied by Ordnance Survey
maintain the red/green colouring?

Incidentally, my father is red/green colour blind and can tell the
difference between the two shadesused in road atlases. He does however
sometimes struggle with the picking out  the green dashed rights of way on
the OS 1:25K Explorer mapping.


On 15 November 2017 at 11:33, David Woolley <>

> On 15/11/17 01:53, Gervase Markham wrote:
>> Can we please have blue motorways and green A-roads?:-)  Or do people
>> not like green A-roads because so many other things are green?
> Whilst the OSM map renderings probably fall in a grey area, between public
> services and private hobby, for any map rendering provided as a service to
> the general public, especially in a part of the world with a high
> prevalence of red-green colour blindness, using just a red-green
> distinction would be illegal under anti-discrimination law.
> I'm not colour blind, but I rather suspect that most OSM cartographers
> have not considered people with vision defects in their decisions.
> The other accessibility issue that is likely to arise is low colour
> contrasts.  Web sites will fail accessibility guidelines, if, when you
> reduce them to black and white with the same luminance components, there is
> insufficient contrast.
> The UK philosophy on law is to have laws which say things will be safe,
> accessible, etc., and then use non-legislative standards (building
> regulations approved documents, W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines,
> etc), to try and judge whether the law is being obeyed).  As such, you will
> not find a law that explicitly states you can't rely on just a red-green
> distinction.
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