On 21-Dec-17 09:28 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

A lot is wrong with capitalism; large chains are one of those things.
Small independent shops, booksellers, or pubs *already* face
difficulties against the marketing and purchasing power of big
corporations. Your approach will ultimately lead to every last
large-chain pub in England being nicely mapped from afar, whereas the
independent pub next door has to wait until a mapper comes around. You
might say "well one pub mapped in town is better than no pub", but this
is not my opinion; I would have wished for OpenStreetMap to be a map
made by the people, not a map made by corporations large enough to hire
SEO companies to manage their online presence.

As you say - the large chains can easily map their data onto OSM.
They could even have someone do that now - no rules to say that an employee 
cannot do that with the permission, even encouragement of the firm.

Could even be part of their job.

This leaves more time for the local mappers or even travellers who map to add 
the 'unmapped' features. Like the independent shops.
 Could be made into a completion - see who can tag as many new independent 
shops/POI in a given time period. Like a maproulette thing.

I am totally aware that "my" vision of OSM is a romantic dream and that
ultimately, OSM is going to be just another venue for big money to
battle it out, but please allow me to at least talk about this romantic
dream from time to time.

I don't see OSM as a battleground, there is no more emphasis in one shop 
compared to another (yet).

I see it as a more even playing field than most things, firms can pay for 
larger, more obvious and/or more frequent advertising,
yet on an OSM they are all the same.

I'd rather have the data than not have the data. Or even have the data sooner 
rather than latter.

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