Hello everyone,

A few updates on MapThePaths since the initial announcement, mostly from 

- Multiple zoom levels (4 in total) now implemented.

- Metropolitan-area councils in the north of England included: OSM footpaths 
from Merseyside, Greater Manchester, and South and West Yorkshire have now been 
added, and all council data available on rowmaps for these areas is also now 

Note that some councils may still be missing as I don't think all of them are 
on rowmaps just yet. Also note that Tyne and Wear OSM data is not present yet 
as there isn't yet a Geofabrik extract; and Greater London and the West 
Midlands are still excluded due to the sheer amount of data in those areas.

- Permalink now added.

I haven't yet added the historical "FP" points but that's next on the list.


Nick Whitelegg
Senior Lecturer in Computing (Internet)  | School of Media Arts and Technology
Southampton Solent University  | JM506 | East Park Terrace | Southampton SO14 
T: 023 8201 3075 | E: 
nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk<mailto:nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk> | W: 

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