On 2 July 2018 at 11:17, Roger Calvert <jrogercalv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have found a difference in the references given in Map The Paths my area
> from that on the local authority maps, and I suspect it is universal.
> The paths are given with a 3 figure reference, but on the maps issued by the
> Lake District National Park Authority to volunteer footpath surveyors, they
> have a 6 figure reference, the first three referring to the Civil Parish in
> which they lie. (The LDNPA maintains footpaths in the National Park under
> contract with Cumbria County Council.)

On rowmaps, there's a standardised format whereby the parish
name/number goes in one field and the path number goes in another. The
display then joins them back together again with a space. Different
counties use different formats for combining the numbers, possibly
using a slash of dash between them, or possibly including the parish
name rather than a parish number. It's also possible that the format
used in the GIS data is not the actual legal format used in the
Definitive Map and Statement, i.e. the parish numbers might just be an
internal convenience. The interpretation of the rowmaps data therefore
needs a bit of care.

In the case of Cumbria, I've just made an FOI/EIR request for a list
of the parish names corresponding to the numbers, and asked whether
the numbers are used in the Definitive Statement. See


Robert Whittaker

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