On 04/08/18 10:07, Philip Barnes wrote:
the standatrd renderer is International

There should not be a standard renderer. That would definitely encourage tagging for the (that) renderer. The map needs to describe what is actually there. It has always been up to individual renderers to interpret that in ways most useful to their end users.

In particular, the default Mapnik rendering, on the OSM web site is not a standard rendering, it is a rendering intended primarily for mappers, not car drivers, and secondarily a technology demonstrator.

Incidentally, I believe there is a trend towards not signing roads, as satellite navigators remove the need. Also, trying to spot a road reference on a sign seems to me to be something that distracts from safe driving. The routers should probably simply be referring to distance and side of the turning.

If you want to use signage, people should be mapping the exact wording on the signage as an attribute of the junction or the sign, rather than of the road.

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