On Saturday, 4 August 2018 14:48:56 IST Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> Killyfole and District Development Association wrote:
> > Surely we map for what is there on the ground, not how it renders?
> Right. C road numbers are not on the ground. (With the exception of the 20
> or so listed here: http://www.cbrd.co.uk/photo/c-roads .)

What do you define as on the ground? The road is there, it has a 
classification and name set by the local authority.  Hence setting the ref= 
and name= tags.

In County Fermanagh, none of the rural roads have signs like they do in other 
parts of the UK.  So you are basically saying that because the names aren't on 
a sign, they shouldn't have name tags in OSM?

How do you suggest they are tagged then?

All the local media use the road reference numbers when talking about 
diversions and road closures.  

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