In case you did not know Jerry,

Gerv passed away in July 2018 >>

Best regards

On 30/12/2018 12:26, SK53 wrote:
Eventually I finally had time after a meeting in Leicester to go and have a look at this. It's been on my to-do list (if no-one else caught it) but as I usually visit Leicester for specific other purposes I've always run outĀ of time to get over to the LRI.

Even on the ground the whole set-up is quite confusing. The road into the A&E threads it's way between old buildings, and although two way has a painted lane for buggies & pushchairs on the E side (hardly appropriate for A&E access). The new A&E seems to be a single storey building replacing parts of the Victoria Building and the demolished St Luke's Chapel. There is a separate service road off Welford Road opposite the Prison for emergency vehicles with a very substantial set of bays for off-loading ambulances.

I think I've captured most of this. I used turn restrictions for the turn out of the multi-storey (right turn only) and for the service road to A&E. I've used two unconventional access terms: access=staff (for the exit from the multi-storey) and emergency_vehicle on the restricted roads off Welford Road. If anyone has any better way for handling these cases do feel free to fix the data directly.

Most aerial imagery actually shows the new building in various states of construction: but I would have found it very difficult to interpret without having seen the place on the ground. Leicester seems to suffer from relatively poor quality imagery in multiple sources. Additionally many of the mapped buildings come from not very precise tracing of OS StreetView and are often a hinderance when trying to improve the accuracy of the mapping. I really hope that the Environment Agency's new Lidar data become available soon. It would be a great help in resolving a number of issues around Leicester.

I didn't have time to locate the Children's A&E, but suspect that this is accessed from Infirmary Way (there is a loop service road on the N side of the new A&E building, which I have mapped). It appears on signage near the new multi-storey but then disappears from later signs. Hospitals are not the easiest places to map, particularly ones with a long history on a single site., therefore in practice an additional ground survey is probably needed: not just to find the Children's A&E, but to add missing service roads, parking areas, footways, and fix other details which have changed with the addition of the new building.



On Mon, 23 Oct 2017 at 06:35, Gervase Markham < <>> wrote:

    I had cause to go to Leicester A&E on Saturday. It was renewed in
    (Google Earth suggests there was a big building project), and the map
    has not been updated, and so it's not clear on OSM where the drop-off
    is, or which is the associated multi-storey. The road I think it
    is, is
    part not-marked-as-such and part non-existent. There's also a separate
    Children's A&E entrance. Given the nature of these facilities, and the
    terrible Leicester 1-way system, it would be very good to have the map
    be extremely clear on these points!

    Can someone local look into the issue, please?

    Thanks :-)


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