Hi Gregory,

I suspect this does not currently take account of roof-top solar power
mapped as nodes. My last tally for Nottingham is a total of 4,385 solar PV
generators (3,760 mapped as nodes, 625 as ways), compared with your total
of 621. I added solar panels on 3 houses on Saturday (one with 2
.generators because they face in different directions). It would be
massively helpful if nodes could be added.

In general it is much, much easier to map roof top solar as nodes, perhaps
with an estimate of the number of modules in the panel(currently we use
generator:solar:modules for this). Once one has one's eye in for a
particular area and sets of imagery it's best to capture the data as
quickly as possible. Mapping panels as areas is more complex, for
relatively small gain. I did this for a single area initially, and now tend
to do it in two cases: a) larger panels on schools, commercial buildings
etc; and b) newly observed panels noticed as part of general surveying or
just casually. The choice of which to do will depend on panel density in a
neighbourhood, and whether buildings are already mapped.



On Sun, 23 Jun 2019 at 21:20, Gregory Williams <
greg...@gregorywilliams.me.uk> wrote:

> All,
> I've also been working on a comparison tool for OSM solar mapping, as
> compared with the FiT register. I've just placed an initial version here:
> http://osm.gregorywilliams.me.uk/solar
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/9144b288-8b95-41e3-89bb-577401924...@getmailspring.com/0?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fosm.gregorywilliams.me.uk%2Fsolar&recipient=dGFsay1nYkBvcGVuc3RyZWV0bWFwLm9yZw%3D%3D>
> My version compares at LLSOA level and then aggregates them up to their
> local authorities and the whole country. It's been pretty much inspired by
> Robert Whittaker and Greg RS's ever-useful comparison tools. It's
> functional, but still needs some polish. Known issues include:
>    - Currently updated manually. I currently hope to update every few
>    days, and eventually daily;
>    - The tool differentiates between solar plants and generators, and
>    avoids counting individual generators in a plant. Currently, though, it
>    counts plants towards completeness, even though it's likely that these are
>    solar farms in excess of the size used in the FiT register;
>    - Only the number of installations is used for comparison at present,
>    not the electricity output;
>    - There are only maps on the local authority pages at the moment, not
>    on the country summary page.
> I aim to add some more functionality to the site over the next few days
> and weeks.
> Regards,
> Gregory
> Sent from Mailspring
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> the best free email app for work
> On Jun 10 2019, at 8:37 pm, Dan S <danstowell+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Following up on this thread about tools to support solar mapping -
> just to say that thanks to Sylwia Mielnicka there's a map of
> completeness-per-postcode-district:
> https://bl.ocks.org/SylwiaOliwia2/cf0d679e81a7c8bfee8888189ec364bb
> I think this is going to get set up to run daily updates or similar.
> Discussion forum:
> <
> http://openclimatefix.discourse.group/t/plot-solar-panels-not-added-to-osm-yet/56/3
> >
> There's also a chance that we can get this at higher granularity (for
> England and Wales) at least, by using LSOAs rather than postcode
> districts. Another person has said they'll have a go at merging the
> two granularities.
> Best
> Dan
> Op do 23 mei 2019 om 08:57 schreef Dan S <danstowell+...@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> Related to the idea of solar panel mapping, I've had a request for
> info about what sort of software tools might help support this work.
> We might be using some of the familiar tools (e.g. streetcomplete,
> openinframap, ... even tasking manager?).
> It'd be useful to have something like
> completeness-by-postcode-district. Unlike Robert's postbox tools, we
> don't have any official ID numbers for the items-to-map, we just have
> some official stats (to be taken with a pinch of salt) about how many
> are in each postcode district - but still, that could be a start.
> I'd also be interested in some tool that predicts where to look, which
> might be based on analysing imagery, but perhaps more realistically
> based on some mix of heuristics and official data.
> Any thoughts?
> Best
> Dan
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