On 01/07/2019 16:02, Silent Spike wrote:
As far as I can tell, some progress was made previously on importing NaPTAN data for specific areas of the UK. However, the process for requesting an import on the wiki seems to have broken down somewhere along the line and I believe the python script mentioned on the wiki is outdated.

In may experience, a lot of the original NaPTAN imports have decayed:

- people have double mapped stops and the the NaPTAN one has been deleted;

- stop have moved and got double mapped and deleted as a result;

- stops have been temporarily out of service, e.g whilst redeveloping a bus station, and been deleted and then lost the NaPTAN associations when remapped.

Also, all bus stops need continual maintenance because names get changed as landmarks come and go.

Given that few people like maintenance work, if you can't map all the stops from first principles, it is very unlikely that imported ones will get maintained. Retaining the NaPTAN tagging is important in allowing any later remerge of the updated NaPTAN data.

Another problem with NaPTAN stops, which applies to non-OSM users as well is that they have virtual stops in Hail and Ride areas. Routers seem to only like people boarding at those place, so, in my case, can take me about 7 minutes out of my way against the direction of travel, so tell me I have missed a bus that could be easily caught.

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