On 05/01/2020 21:33, Philip Barnes wrote:
I have just come across an armchair edit using Facebook AI data.
They do seem to have failed to check that detections are accurate, or
lack experience to identify common Midlands farmland features. They
have mapped several hedges as tracks.
The usual suggestions apply, I think - politely explain via a changeset
discussion comment what the problems are (e.g. that there are false
positives and false negatives, and issues with offsets). If that
resolves things, great - if not raise it with the DWG.
I'm not convinced that false positives per se are a problem provided
that iD guides them through the process of agreeing that "yes, that
really does look like a sensible feature based on the context". If that
isn't happening (and that's certainly a problem to some extent elsewhere
in iD with "automatic brand tagging", and with some Maproulette tasks
that appear to be just "community-washing" mechanical edits) then again,
raise it with the DWG.
Best Regards,
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