On Wed, 2020-07-15 at 10:18 +0100, Tony OSM wrote:

> For a building or similar I presently use
> HE_ref=1072653
> heritage=2
> heritage:operator= Historic England
> historic= heritage
> listed_status=Grade II
> name= War Memorial Gateway to Astley Park
> barrier=gate
> start_date= mid C19
> website=
> https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1072653

I forgot to comment before:  From a maintenance point of view, is it a
good idea to add redundant data (that I assume are implied by HE_ref)?


On Thu, 2020-07-16 at 14:10 +0100, Tony OSM wrote:
> Yes, maintenance when things change is an issue.
> I've looked at taginfo listed_status and found several variations 
> for 
> Scheduled Monument, Grade(value)
> I plan to do several things if there are no objections
> 1. update wiki listed_status to show the capitalised values
> Scheduled 
> Monument, Protected Wreck Site,
> Park and Garden, Battlefield, World Heritage Site, Certificate of 
> Immunity, Building Preservation Notice

What happens to, say, a park/garden with a grade, then?

Straying a bit from the topic a bit, perhaps it's worth adding
something about adding listed things that may not be obvious to
everyone.  If you find in the HE listings a building (say) you don't
already know and want to tag it, presumably it's a problem that you
can't just match the position on their OS maps to OSM.  I assume you
need to take the listed grid reference and just use that (which you
probably can't with curtilages etc. or a monument like an ancient
ditch, though that's likely on NLS 1:10000).  The wiki could use info
about converting grid references too, unless I missed it.

To avoid problems, I've found https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk
useful, as it actually marks the location on OSM, with the grid
reference converted to latitude/longitude if you do need it, like when
the building isn't mapped.  Also, if you're specifically interested in
listings in an area the points on the map are helpful, similarly to
something like 
 which presumably is also not usable, specifically not for the
conservation areas and the local listings.

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