On Tue, 2020-11-17 at 14:10 +0000, Jez Nicholson wrote:
> Whilst i'm here, am I correct that a UPRN can *only* be on a single
> thing?
> So anything in
> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/?key=ref%3AGB%3Auprn#values mo
> re
> than once is an error?
> ...or can a road have a USRN *and* a UPRN?

As far as I know a road should have only 1 USRN, but it can have
multiple UPRNs. I think it's mainly if it goes over a admin boundary,
each area will have a UPRN but the road will have one USRN.

Also OSM often has multiple ways per road, each of these ways should
share a USRN and more often than not share the UPRN.

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