NCR45 in Stroud goes down a rather steep flight of steps to cross Dudbridge Road. I can confirm that is what the signs say, having been there yesterday.  Also the Sustrans/OS map shows it taking the line of the steps,-2.23631,18

There is a narrow ramp, so you can wheel a (conventional) bike up/down.  It's about as accessible as it sounds, but the north end of the path isn't much better.

On OSM the steps are shown (with a note about the bike route) but the cycle path appears to break

Mapillary shows the sign at the bottom:

It's not unique - I know another example where the Bristol-Bath railway path accesses the pub car park in Saltford, and I've seen similar on canal towpaths - in the latter case in particular it can be crucial for route-planning even manually, as the next access can be a long way away.

So how should this be tagged to indicate that the bike route really does go down the steps?


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