I'll contribute what I know to this thread - I've had contact with the
mapper in relation to other, less detailed, contributions and was
reassured that all data was correctly obtained having regard both to
permission to use in OSM and to the potentially encumbered nature of
any data sources used.

The basics were:

Data obtained from a local company

This company had been engaged to prepare surveys for group water schemes

It is common for group water schemes to commission their own surveys,
as it can be cheaper than buying data the OSI already has

In the case of the data set I was interested in, the line of the NI
border had been edited. In this instance, the source was explained as
out-of-copyright OSNI maps.

All this being so, it looks like the source surveys for his mapping
have carefully excluded at least some of the potentially encumbered
sources. Furthermore, the mapper is clearly considering what may and
may not be included in OSM.

Hopefully he will clarify any outstanding concerns people have, as the
data are extremely good.


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