
On 15/02/17 16:36, Brian Tuffy wrote:
> just to follow up on my own post, another way to tackle this is to take a
> look at Rory's Loganim import page on townlands.ie which I highly recommend
> you take a look at.
> https://www.townlands.ie/static/logainm/
> Each red x on these pages means that the loganim irish names tags are not
> in OSM for that place.
> As far as I know, they were automatically added for the places where the
> names in Loganim list matched those in OSM (or at least id's matched?). So
> a red x can indicate that there is a spelling mismatch or the place is
> missing.
> It's a good place to start if you want to correct typo's in place names.

Minor point, that page doesn't look at the name, but at the
"logainm:ref" tag. If there's a "logainm:ref" tag, then it gets a green
tick, red X means no logainm:ref. That page is updated every morning.

The (ongoing) Logainm data match up and import (wiki page[1], script
source code[2]), looks at the logainm:ref tag and added the name:ga tags
from logainm if needed. That script will also look at the name (or
name:en) tag and try to match it up to what's in logainm and set the
logainm:ref tag as appropriate. If there is a typo in the name (or OSM
and Logainm disagree about the name), then it won't be able to set the
logainm:ref tag, and hence there'll be a red X there.

I'm going to run that script again this weekend at the Karlsruhe Hack
Weekend. Perhaps I will look at that OSi open data and try to find
places where OSM & OSi (and maybe Logainm!) disagree. We have ~60,000
townlands, maybe filtering that list down to smaller list of "possible
problems" will be easier.

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Logainm_Import
[2] https://github.com/osmie/logainm-osm-import

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