Thanks for the OSM OSI comparison map, this is great for showing up
mistakes in the townland boundaries and I even found a missing townland or
This umap seems pretty cool too. I notice that many townlands without
logainm tags are because of the typos. Fixing those should allow the script
to do its thing. I can see a CP with a typo in it's name and because of
that, none of the townlands in it have logainm tags yet.

I have a question about the logainm script, How can it handle a barony that
crosses a county border? For example, Barony of Ross crosses the
Galway-Mayo border as one relation. This relation has one logainm tag for
Ross in Mayo (logainm:ref = 172) but there are separate loganim ref numbers
for Ross in Galway (logainm:ref = 85) on the logainm website. Can we
somehow add both ref numbers to the Barony relation? something like
logainm:ref=172;85, or what do you suggest? It seems that the script
assumes everything is nested inside counties but if baronies/civil parishes
cross county borders, then they have two logainm ref numbers.       Galway     Mayo

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Mark Tully <> wrote:

> I believe it doesn't work over https because
> (which is being used for the querying) doesn't support https, though I'm
> open to correction on that.  The server does support it,
> but I've found it to be a little slower for this map.
> Mark
> On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 at 15:55 Rory McCann <> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On 16/02/17 16:40, Mark Tully wrote:
> > > There is also a umap at
> > >
> > 33
> > >
> > >
> > which displays townlands without a logainm:ref tag.  This might be usefu
> > l
> > > in helping to locate townlands with typos.  Bear in mind that it
> > > only displays data above zoom 11 (to try to reduce browser
> > > slowdowns).
> > >
> > > Mark
> >
> > That's pretty cool! I've done overpass queries to find CPs/etc which
> > don't have a logainm:ref, but not umap like that.
> >
> > Yes you can add/change the name tag on OSM, but if you manage to find
> > the townland on logainm, you can directly add the logainm:ref tag
> > yourself.
> >
> > The loganm match up code looks at counties, then baronies, then civil
> > parishes, then townlands. So if it cannot match up a CP in OSM with
> > Logainm, it's not able to match up any of those townlands in the CP.
> > It's look at the name, but if there's a logainm:ref, it'll use that
> > instead.
> >
> > If you add logainm:ref tags to civil parishes, then it might be able
> > to add logainm details to more townlands.
> >
> > (BTW it doesn't work over https, and if you have the HTTPS Everywhere
> > extension like I do :) )
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