Hi Brian,

I tried to take a stab at this but overpass got the better of me!!

Here is what I've got so far: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/Tn4

This will give you an area excluding the two diocese relations you
mentioned. I think you either need to do a map_to_area or a Recurse up/down
relations function after that but I can't wrap my head around that part and
there are few examples that explain it well enough...

Also - in hindsight, my query result only returns other diocesan areas that
are not Ross / Cloyne. There are obviously parts of Cork that aren't
contained within a diocesan area right now.

Hopefully one of the overpass gurus here will put us out of our misery!! =)


On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 4:38 PM Brian Hollinshead <br...@hollinshead.net>

> Overpass query: County Cork comprises the Dioceses of Cloyne, Cork and
> Ross. I have added Cloyne and Ross as boundary=historic_diocese to OSM.
> Please can I use overpass to load the remaining civil parishes into JOSM.
> Something  like  boundary=civil_parish in "County Cork" BUT NOT
> (boundary=civil_parish in "Diocese of Cloyne") OR NOT
> (boundary=civil_parish in "Diocese of Ross). I seem to remember that
> boundary!=xxx omits what follows but am unsure.
> Thanks
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