I don’t understand at all how a community project like osmIRL buildings
could be utterly frustrating, and I wonder about the flipancy of a comment
that the effect is anything like a Tiger import – simply on the basis of

The aim of the task is to have a straightforward activity for people to
work on together, which we haven’t had in a while. Another aim is to have
something that is easy enough to start on as we recruit new people into the
community as contributors. The daily contributions extract shows we have
doubled the contributors to 30. There will be a second phase, when all the
tasks are complete and validated, and there would be even more animations
resolving building use types.

Ireland’s building equals yes tag was 62% of all building objects when the
project started around October 2019 and is 64% only today, was this making
things worse? Admittedly while it increases the number of building equals
yes objects in number, it doesn’t change the proportion, and it completes
the map on a theme the community wanted to go ahead with. The project has a
future phase when there will be more added to the buildings now produced by
this effort.

Right now Kilkenny City 25%, Carlow Town 38% and Waterford City 48% all
have building equals yes tags less than what prevailed on the island at the
outset. In the recent community hangouts and presentations there has been
discussion of techniques already put into practice on how validation
reduces tag generality. JOSM filters as well as a 'Second mapper'
standpoint are blitzing the building equals yes tag before the tasks get
taken down. Nobody seems to think using the filter is hassle to use, or
that to select, scroll and tag numerous buildings – so what have we missed?

Finally, the osm community worldwide has agreed that building equals yes is
not an invalid contribution where the experience level of the mapper is
lower, or the satellite imagery is blurred, or there is a community
decision to map at scale, with planned and committed passes through that
work. Otherwise it wouldn’t exist as a tag, and be the default in the JOSM
buildings plugin. This would be why this tag is 75% of the building objects
in Europe, which are ubiquitous. If this project delivers on a rate much
less than that there ought not to be frustration. There are only two tasks
mapped and validated so far, by the time we finish phase 1 there will be a
lower percentage of building equals yes, so while we can debate the
inaccuracy of the comment about it being akin to a Tiger import, I don't
think that the fact that such an assessment is massively premature needs
much debate at all.

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