On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Arun Ganesh <arun.plane...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 3:22 AM, Srikanth Lakshmanan 
> <srik....@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways have released the new
>> scientific numbering scheme[1]. We need to decide if we should move to the
>> new numbering form or not. Also i think its better to have the old numbers
>> as well. Probably we can have ref_old and ref_new keys.Now we have a totally
>> new dimension to highways.(As though, we didnt have enough problems with it)
> I have been trying to figure out some kind of rationale behind the
> rationalized number scheme but couldnt figure out any. The pdf is quite a
> bit of a muddle at the moment and we should probably wait for a better
> document that has the old vs new numbers so that we dont incorrectly number
> the roads.
> This post[1] describes the "rationale". Even numbered highways will be in
north-south direction and odd numbers would in east west direction.2 digit
highways are major ones and 3 digit ones will be offshoots. The order of
numbering starts from north to south.So NH 13 would be some where in north
in the east west direction and and NH 944 will be an offshoot on NH44 which
runs in north-south direction,somewhere in south i guess. We need to analyse
more on the data to verify if pattern followed is uniform and truely
scientific. Of course there are certain mistakes like it never says what is
number of the Krishnagiri-Bangalore which forms part of both NS-corridor and
golden quad.

> It was incorrectly tagged as a state, i corrected it to locality but i
> guess it would take time for it to show up in the low zoom tiles.--
Thanks. So vandals have started appearing. Nice! So we have grown to reach
masses or what :)


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