From: Volker Schmidt [] 
Sent: venerdì 20 luglio 2012 09:55
To: openstreetmap list - italiano
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Strumenti per il remapping post-bot

1) I noticed that many isolated nodes left by the bot still carry the user 
information. So many of the nodes with my userid are left over from changes 
that I had applied to ways generated by non-agreers. In many cases it is easy 
to reconstruct ways from that information.
Hence I suggest a tool (ideally a JOSM plugin ?) with which a user can 
highlight all these nodes.

In JOSM potrebbe essere utile un filtro del tipo: 

type:node (-child type:way) untagged user:Volker

Non discrimina i nodi isolati senza tag creati da te da quelli lasciati dal 
bot, ma  non credo che dei primi ce ne siano molti.


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