On Tuesday 21 August 2007 10:09, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> Thanks to the quick fixes to osmosis by bretth there is now a
> nld-leftover.osm which you can load up to see exactly what is going to
> be leftover.

Great work!

> http://kleptog.org/temp/nld-leftover.osm.gz  (5MB)
> Looking at it a large part of what is leftover is
> canals/waterways/coastlines. Since we're going to replace those with
> AND data anyway eventually, I think we should just do it straightaway.

Yes, please do that, they may create lots of troubles. Already parts of NL are 

I will take out the natural=water from the almien data for where the Maas is a 
border river prior to conversion. 

> Other than that the expected cycleway/pedestrian/footway are also
> present, as are the points of interest.
> It's probably worth comparing with the AND data, but I suspect the
> highway=pedestrian can also go.

That was already planned: 

AND has some pedestrian stuff. The footways will stay.

vriendelijke groet,


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