So after 3 hours, did it work jim?  I think that's the easy bit now.
What's even more difficult is tweaking the default style to your own
preference.  OSM's mapnik xml is really ginormous.  That would
probably take me more than a week to understand.

I do hope the carto css gets into the stable release soon.  Just
compare how much easier to style the map with css:

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 8:03 PM, Jim Morgan <> wrote:
> his sounded so good, I thought I'd give it a go this afternoon. However the 
> commands given as typed in the email don't work. I'd recommend reading the 
> long version at the wiki page he references later on: 
> Specifically I found these problems:
> - After adding the repository, you need to do an 'apt-get update' before the 
> next step.
> - Very IMPORTANT. He doesn't mention the configuration step after installing 
> libapache2-mod-tile. According to the wiki you need to "add your own username 
> after www-data in order to import data". As I didn't do this, the renderer 
> did not work. I've also spent about two hours trying to re-configure this 
> setting, and can't find out how to do it. So, yes, read the wiki first.
> - The osm2pgsql misses out the --slim command line element. I also found that 
> I needed to reduce the memory usage, having only 1Gb in my laptop. The 
> --verbose helped as well. so:
>        osm2pgsql --slim --cache 300 --verbose philippines.osm.pbm
> So what could have been a five minute wonder install has now turned into a 
> three hour marathon for me due to bad instructions. Read the wiki.

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

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