*Maning, *

This *Garmin Map* release of *OSM Philippines 20120607* includes the New
Track between Danasan Eco Advanture Park and Asturias on the West coast of

These are my Edits submitted:-

#11749934     May 30, 2012 17:08     See Video of the Motorcyle Ride freom
Danasan Eco Adventuure Park to Asturias:-
#11749817     May 30, 2012 16:50     Changed to unclassified. Did not log
where graded Dirt turns to 'Paved' (concrete). Clearly there is ongoing
road improvementsin this route.
#11749715     May 30, 2012 16:40     Asturias - Danasan Eco Adventure Park.
Dirt track but evidence of road widening and improvements. Paved in
#11749161     May 30, 2012 15:25     Asturias - Danasan Eco Adventure Park.
Dirt track but evidence of road widening and improvements. Paved in

*Question:*     How come I can't *create a Route *along this New track that
has been added to *OSM Philippines 20120607*?
Normally I select a Start and a Finish point to such Track, in *MapSource*,
with the *Route Tool*, and it usually follows the Way via all the Track
Points drawing the* Route *(defaulte magenta)
With this newly added Track of mine on the newly realeased version of OSM
for Garmin, it draws a straight line between the points and does not follow
the Track drawn on the map, at all?

*David Whittall
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