Dear Mark,

> I guess the question is, are there different types of evacuation centers?? I 
> am not sure. If a school is in a low zone is it appropriate for a Tsunami?? I 
> guess GuaGua will not have any Tsunami Evacuation Centers, but will have 
> earthquake, volcano, lahar flows, etc.
> Should they be tagged for the type of disaster they are intended for, or are 
> they generic

Good point.  As what we always discuss to our DRR partners, not all
evacuation centers are the same.
For DRR managers, they need to be aware of the "quality and capacity
of evacuation centers" categorized according to:
* type of disaster
* structural integrity
* number of evacuees it can accommodate
* length of time of the evacuees to stay depending on the resources available

But for now, I am not sure if this should be included in OSM.

> Lastly, would it be appropriate to include contact details for the different 
> services?? Hard to maintain unless the relief agencies do it them selves ..

Unless it is an official contact number like Davao's 911 or Pasig's
DRR Command Center, I don't think it should be in OSM.
This is more appropriate for the LGU's DRRM Office to maintain as an
internal db.

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

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