Viva no Wiki diz explicitamente:
*highway=primary*. Estradas Nacionais (EN, lista

E na lista das estradas de Portugal (oficial) tem EN
Nos mapas convencionais (em papel) sempre apareceu assim.

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Francisco DOS SANTOS

> > Ok, thanks for the heads up.
> > The road numbers listed in the wiki page is correct:
> > it's IP, IC, EN, ER, etc, as indicated in the page.
> > Victor
> >
> Só venho de reparar o caso das nacionais !
> Devemos codificar ref=EN2 e não ref=N2 ?
> Se fora o caso, vou completar o wiki porque a pagina :
> Não diz nada sobre o ref.
> E a pagina :
> Uso o N e não EN.
> E um ponto que precisa ser esclarecido, cada pais tem o seu sistema (em
> frança por exemplo usemos o N e não RN, e temos um espaço entre a letra
> e o numero : N 2).
> > On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Claudius Henrichs
> > <> wrote:
> >         Bom dia!
> >
> >         sorry for posting in English, but I feel this to be a relevant
> >         information and question.
> >         Some of you actively mapping in Portugal may have seen altely
> >         some increased activity from some german mappers. This is
> >         because a user who is active in quality assurance has run a
> >         "connection check" over the portugese OSM data. This check
> >         searches for roads that are crossing without bridge or tunnel.
> >         There is a list with those errors on the wiki [1] and every
> >         user can take a block of 100 errors, leave a note in the wiki
> >         that he is dealing with them and try to fix these. Fixing the
> >         errors is much easier now with the help of Bing imagery.
> >
> >         I feel that it would have definitely been nicer to have
> >         informed the portugese OSM community *before* starting this
> >         campaign, but better late than never.
> >
> >         Now to my personal question on mapping in Portugal: I have
> >         read a bit about the road network and number in Portugal on
> >         the english wikipedia [2]. I see that you have some new road
> >         numbers starting with "IP" and "IC" that were assigned in the
> >         2000 Plano Rodoviário Nacional. And then you have the older
> >         estradas nacionais given out in the 1945 Plano Rodoviário
> >         Nacional. I already checked the OSM wiki project page for
> >         Portugal [3] but could not find any recommendation about how
> >         to tag these. Shall I use "EN329" or "N329"? Same goes for the
> >         estradas regionais: Should we use "ER32" or "R32"? Thanks in
> >         advance for your help.
> >
> >         Regards,
> >         Claudius
> >
> >         [1]
> >         [2]
> >         [3]
> >
> >
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