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Am 25.10.2013 21:28, schrieb f.dos.san...@free.fr:
> I'll add one more : the first 2 sentences use the word "gratuito"
> (free as in free beer), it should use the word "livre" (free as in
> free speech). It doesn't matter much in the turn page as it discuss
> the other online "free" map but it's important to make it clear on
> the first sentence.
> I recommend to use both terms in the same sentence to make it
> obvious : "um mapa livre e gratuito"

Sounds good for me, can you please apply that changes to the wikipage?

> ----- Mail original ----- From: "Mauro Santos"
> <registo.maill...@gmail.com> To: "talk-pt"
> <talk-pt@openstreetmap.org> Date: 25/10/2013 20:35:37 Subject: Re:
> [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer? (needs YOUR review!)
> The translation looks good.
> I've spotted a couple typos s/eligações/e ligações/ and s/azona/a
> zona/.
> The other thing I've noticed, and I don't know very well how to
> explain it in english, is that the verbs have been conjugated in a
> way that it seems the writer knows the reader personally (and are
> friends).
> What I mean is, "Podes encontrar o web..." is similar to "Tu podes 
> encontrar o web...", using "Tu" is not polite if you don't know
> the other person. Personally I prefer to see "Pode encontrar o
> web...".
> I suppose that teenagers don't care about how it's written but
> someone the age of their parents (or older) might not like it, I'd
> say that the flyer should try not to give a bad first impression.
> Finally, where it says open-source software, does it mean open
> source or free software[1]?
> [1] http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html#open-source
> On 25-10-2013 18:36, Matthias Meisser wrote:
>> Hi,
>> thanks to my colleague Miguel here at ISCTE, we have a first
>> translation in Portuguese: 
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:!i!/PT_flyer
>> So please review and improve it if you like. We also need a new
>> paragraph on the OSGeo PT, ideally with the same length.
>> Bom fim-de-semana, Matthias
>> Am 23.10.2013 18:42, schrieb f.dos.san...@free.fr:
>>> Funny, today there's a blog speaking of promotional leaflets :
>>> http://blog.gravitystorm.co.uk/
>>> I see that the idea of a portuguese flyer is in good shape but
>>> didn't know how I can help you, I can't speak german ;-)
>>> I also think the best pictures are for Lisboa in the low zoom
>>> and Porto with the high zoom.
>>> Francisco.
>>> ----- Mail original ----- From: "Matthias Meisser"
>>> <dig...@arcor.de> To: talk-pt@openstreetmap.org Date:
>>> 23/10/2013 14:56:47 Subject: Re: [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer?
>>> Am 21.10.2013 20:45, schrieb f.dos.san...@free.fr:
>>>> I've not replied because I don't know ;-)
>>> Não tem problema ;)
>>>> All the mapping party I've heard have been organized by the
>>>> OSGeo Local Chapter, I don't think they have an OSM flyer (I
>>>> hope someone could prove me wrong :-) but it's a very good
>>>> idea to have one.
>>>> They used to have a wiki and a dedicated page for mapping
>>>> events (but it's down) :
>>>> http://wiki.osgeopt.pt/index.php/Vamos_mapear_Portugal
>>>> Hopefully some OSGeo members read this list and you'll get
>>>> an answer, if not we can cross-post to the OSGeo mailing list
>>>> for a larger audience :
>>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/portugal/
>>>> Their list is not OSM related but they are a bigger community
>>>> so they will have better idea for sponsors and publishing
>>>> partners.
>>> I contacted the OSGeoPT and the president Jorge agreed, that
>>> the *chapter will spend the money* and deal with the printing
>>> if we finished the localisation.
>>> I also contacted Frederik (Geofabrik chef), if he is ok with
>>> replacing their promotion at the flyer with an OSGeo
>>> 'advertising'. He is very ok with that and offered us to create
>>> a *high res map rendering* for the flyer.
>>> So now the question is, *which areas* we like to see at the
>>> flyer? There is one place at one folding segment and second one
>>> what covers 2xsegments. At the german flyer they use the city
>>> Münster with low zoom and Berlin for the bigger area. Hmm so
>>> use Lisboa and Porto?
>>> Matthias
>>>> ----- Mail original ----- From: "Matthias Meisser" 
>>>> <dig...@arcor.de> To: talk-pt@openstreetmap.org Date:
>>>> 21/10/2013 20:38:19 Subject: Re: [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer?
>>>> As nobody replyed, I like to ask more specific:
>>>> Woul it be ok to you, if *I ask some locals* to create
>>>> portueuse translation of the official flyer? 
>>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:OSM_flyer_2010_thumb.png
>>>> (I think I will use the more recent version, but sadly its
>>>> just in DE 
>>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:OSM_flyer_2011_german.jpg)
For *printing* a few thousands that can be spread to local
>>>> mappers, will there be a organization that likes to sponsor
>>>> and get's a attribution on the flyer? I would replace the
>>>> german book with the english edition, ok? 
>>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Books#OpenStreetMap:_Using_and_Enhancing_the_Free_Map_of_the_World
Should I ask OSMF or do you know any local sponsor or at least a
>>>> Portuguese online service to order the prints?
>>>> I will try to create another A5 flyer dedicated to the use of
>>>> the "notes" function, that allows locals to easily contribute
>>>> more details. IMHO this makes sense, as if they see some
>>>> empty buildings, they might remember about local POIs?
>>>> Matthias
>>>> Am 16.09.2013 18:14, schrieb Matthias Meisser:
>>>>> Hi everybody,
>>>>> as I nearly finished tracing Bing aerials the past weeks, I
>>>>> like to start with on-the-ground survey which will be photo
>>>>> and pen&paper mapping: 
>>>>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/38.7222/-9.1230&layers=N
As I'm not looking like a usual Portuguese guy and I can't make
>>>>> me understandable in the language, I would like to have
>>>>> something like a flyer, so people can understand what I'm
>>>>> doing. In Germany there is one [1] and it helped me
>>>>> already, because Germans care a lot about their privacy
>>>>> (and property ;)). So can anybody tell me, if the
>>>>> portuguese community has similar "documents" to show their
>>>>> mission to the residents?
>>>>> 1 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Flyers_and_posters
>>>>> Greetings from Lisboa, Matthias
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