On 26 Feb 2009, at 23:25, Simon Ward wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 01:04:26PM +0000, Shaun McDonald wrote:
>>> Could we do the same? We define a closed way for the main area where
>>> people can stand and then define children of that using polygons
>>> again, with an is_in tag?
>> Don't use the is_in tag, use a relation.
> I agree, but some reasoning would be nice, rather than just “don’t do
> this”.  Could you expand on this, please?

I'll try.

It is much easier to work out what else goes together by using a  
relation, rather than the is_in tag. The is_in tag is a bad tag as we  
are dealing with geo data, so we already know what it is in, if all  
the boundaries are in the data. Relations are much better for linking  
related data. Imported in the right way, you can get two way  
relationships setup correctly.


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